
Want to ensure a good night’s sleep?

A recent survey revealed that sleep disorders affect an estimated 93% of the Indian population. Here are some tips from experts to help you get a good night’s rest. What can be more restful than a good night’s sleep? You really wouldn’t know unless you have a bad night’s sleep which means you wake up crabby

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JCS Institute of Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

JCS Institute of Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine is a first-of-its-kind tertiary care center in the field. The institute boasts of a dedicated team of super specialists, nurses and technicians under the able leadership of Professor J C Suri, former Head Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.

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AIIMS SOMNOCOM 2019 – CME & Workshop in Sleep Medicine

AIIMS SOMNOCOM 2019 – CME & Workshop in Sleep Medicine The Department of Pulmonary Medicine at AIIMS, Jodhpur Organised AIIMS SOMNOCOM 2019 – CME & Workshop in Sleep Medicine. Prof. J C Suri was invited as the Course Mentor. He conducted a few sessions as a speaker, was one of the panelists for Case Base

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Symposium on Severe Eosinophilic Asthma Treatment Options

Severe Eosinophilic Asthma Treatment: Prof J C Suri, is a pioneer of critical care and sleep medicine in India. He is a compassionate physician with astute clinical skills and is often regarded as the Father of Sleep Medicine. In his 37-years of the professional journey in the field of Pulmonary Medicine, he has been actively

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Seventeenth International Cardiology conference 2019 Bhopal, Sleep Medicine Oration Award

Seventeenth International Cardiology conference 2019 Bhopal, Sleep Medicine Oration Award Sleep Medicine Oration Award – 2019 Dr. Prof. J.C Suri, Delhi Internationally renowned sleep medicine expert & father of Sleep Medicine, bestowed with Sleep Medicine Oration Award – 2019 by Dr. Prof. P.C Manoria during 17th International Cardiodiabetology Conference, 30th Nov – 1st Dec 2019

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